
About Us

Masonic Model Student Assistance Program (MSAP) was created by Thom Stecher and Larry Newman in Pennsylvania during the early 1980’s. Through continuous research and development, the program earned much success reaching at-risk children in over 30 states, as well as, Canada.

Successfully reaching children at risk begins by identifying the children most in need of attention.  The time-tested, proven formula that begins this entire process:  Life Skills Deficiency + Life Crisis = Specific, Descriptive, Observable Behavior

Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children (AMFC), an affiliate of the National Masonic Foundation for Children, was created in 1995 to bring the MSAP to Arizona children. AMFC, through the dedication of its volunteers, works hard to meet two main objectives:

  1.  obtain funding for these classes, which will always be at no cost to the class attendants;
  2.  continually a) reaching out to more educators, so they can affect real change, reaching more children at risk, as well as, b) showing school administrators the benefits and successes that they are bringing to their community schools.