Jerry Badinger


Jerry Badinger

Event Attendees

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Dec 04 - 06 2024


8:00 am - 4:00 pm

3-Day Model Student Assistance Training Program – Virtual

Educator Training: The training is provided to educators. We define “educators” as any Arizona school employee that interacts with children daily, who can help identify children at risk, and work with other colleagues to implement assistance to those children. Teachers, nurses, cafeteria personnel, guidance counselors, janitorial staff, bus drivers, are all examples of individuals who may be influential in positively affecting a child throughout the school day.

Training is provided at no cost to the attendees. We do require that 1) attendees are affiliated with Arizona school districts, and 2) for an effective student assistance program to be implemented in each school, we ask that a minimum of four attend a 3-Day MSAP Workshop from each school. The 1-Day MSAP Booster Class was especially designed to sharpen the skills of those who have attended the 3-Day workshop, therefore the 3-Day MSAP Workshop is required to attend the 1-Day MSAP Booster Class.

Hourly Schedule

Day One

MMSAP Introduction
Opening Activities
Group Expectations
Agenda Setting
Comprehensive Programming
Social Emotional Learning Introduction
Key to Understanding Intervention
Strength Based Intervention - Developmental Assets
Developmental Assets
Collaborative Intervention
Key Elements in the MMSAP Process

Day 2

Dr. Brene Brown - "Man in the Arena"
MMSAP Overview
Steps in the MMSAP Process
Case Study
Family Dynamics
Parent Conferencing

Day Three

Keys to Successful Communication
Group Dynamics - Creating an Effective Team
Comprehensive Programming
High Risk Behaviors:
ATOD, Bullying and Violence, Depression/Suicide, Trauma Informed Care
Action Planning for Program Implementation
Workshop Closure

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