Goldie Hawn says America has ‘failed’ children

Goldie Hawn emphasized the effect the COVID-19 pandemic is having on America’s children in an op-ed published Wednesday. Hawn likened the “existential dread” felt by children amid the coronavirus pandemic to the “dread” felt by children following the Cold War, the Challenger crash and 9/11 in an op-ed for USA Today. “Today, we are in the midst of a national trauma that could very well surpass 9/11 and approach the heightened terror of the Cold War years,” Hawn wrote. “The COVID era has changed our children’s lives in far more real, tangible ways — social distancing, school closures, daily mask use.” For more information visit:

California Students suffered academically, new report reveals

A surprising 41% of students in all grade levels did not meet math standards  “Our road ahead is clear — we must continue to focus our energy and resources in supporting our students, families, and educators so they not only recover from the impacts of COVID-19 but thrive in days ahead,” State Board of Education President Linda Darling-Hammond said in a Friday statement. “This must remain our top priority.” For more information visit:

7 Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Kids Are the kids all right?

Here’s a look at how the pandemic is affecting kids and how children’s hospitals are helping them emerge stronger.  COVID-19 and the pandemic response have had considerable effects on an entire generation of children—and recovery could take years. Here are areas where the pandemic has left its mark on the nation’s children and how children’s hospitals can help our youngest generations now and into the future. For more information please visit: .